Thursday, November 26, 2009

Riding with the Boys

After much cajoling by Scott Budd aka IM supreme, I finally rode with the boys this morning. The rap is 'Friday is a social aerobic ride followed by coffee and trash talk'. Now I can coffee and trash talk with the best of them, but by the time the boys ride hits the Corso on a 'friendly River Loop' testosterone has usually taken over and the average creeps up to 40....45....50kph as social becomes friendly rivalry leaving all others in their wake. I have refused to take part in this smash fest til now....thinking that my red meat intake just hasn't been enough to boost those ever important hormones!

So why today? Well after riding 3 laps of Mount Cootha in the rain on Wednesday, and feeling pretty fresh in the legs...I thought that it was time to take the challenge. And off we went - the girls ride behind who do stick to the Friday mantra of 'social' (no testosterone here thank you!) was my back up once I got dropped off the pace!

My tactics were to basically get sucked along in the pack. I think Scott really didn't think I'd join in so when he dropped off the front 20 minutes in it was a very surprised 'Oh hello Faye' when he saw me. And I was still there :-)

Scott, Dave, Mike, Tommy, Craig, Shannon, Ewen, Paul, Nigel...and Faye. Well all I can say is thanks for going relatively easy on me boys (although being unnoticed for a while maybe they weren't?!). Sucked along...yes.....but it was great! I even got sucked up hills....I never thought it could happen.

HOWEVER......I have to say this girls, I think you ride harder than the boys!!! I hope non of you guys are reading this otherwise my Friday morning social rides with the boys will truly resort to being smashed and I won't have the energy to participate in the trash talking afterwards!!!! I take it back guys...really I do...! But let the trash talk begin :-)


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