Friday, February 26, 2010

I've made it to Taper!!!

Well it is 1 week today until THE RACE.....eek!

Last Sunday saw another milestone in my training - a 30km run, and it was ok :-). How exciting, maybe not running for 4 months and only having started back 'land running' 4 weeks previous just means that I haven't over trained and smashed my legs...fingers crossed! And then.....taper!

It has been strange this week, 2 full days off (no, I wasn't really at Tuesday morning track session...I wasn't really there - honest, it wasn't me!). Then just 'maintenance' sessions to keep the legs and arms ticking over. Although Saturday Emm, Jacque and I did our session together and it really didn't feel too much like taper - 4 hours on the bike with rain, head winds, and a large hole in my new $90 tyre...followed by a 30 minute run. We had the realisation as we were riding around today that we will be doing exactly the same at the same time next week.....why is this a point of note you ask...well cause it will be during the race!!!!! OMG it is almost here!

But it was a momentous session on Saturday, the last long ride / run of the whole IM campaign. I remember our rides 20 weeks ago. It all seemed so far off then, and now it's here. We went from starting in the dark, to the summer weeks of riding at 430am and it was light; and we've gone full circle, we're starting in the dark again. Emm loudly declared this morning; 'This is the last time I am riding in the dark...ever'. Sure Emm, I'll ask you in July when we're having our coffee ride and it is dark, and cold :-). So, a few pictures of our last saturday session:

Sunday saw mass participation in the Clem 7 Tunnel run. 5000 eager runners (somre more eager than others) ran 10.45 km under the Brisbane River and back again before cars get the chance to clog it up with fumes. I was quite looking forward to it, 60minute run was scheduled on my 'taper' schedule and so I planned on just a gentle cruise along. Well, it wasn't that enjoyable - it was stinking hot with no ventilation. Luckily I got through and back again before the aid stations ran out of water, and was pretty pleased with my 12th overall women across the line. Not bad for a Sunday morning stroll :-). If I'd known how hot it was going to be though, I would have thought again....!

And it's Monday again....week 2 of taper, day before flying to NZ, day of packing, day of massage, day of epsom salt bath, day of thinking.....'it's too late if I haven't done enough now'!!!!!! eeeek!

Off to pack!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gumby Week

I think the culminating effects of Ironman training are starting to show across the board.....

Myself - went for a swim on Thursday morning and forgot my towel...drip drying is not ideal and does not compare with the benefits of a large fluffy towel - especially when you know you've got another drip dry later in the day after a water run!!
I was glad to see that I am not alone in my gumbyness this week, there have been others who are succumbing to the Zzzzzz's that cloud a clear thought process, or actually stop the thought process working its way to conclusion when packing kit for training, or even whilst training:
Bec - forgot to pack her bra in her swimming bag, making work an interesting contemplation of sports top under business clothes.
Kieron - forgot the business socks....the choice; white socks under suit pants, or sockless....both not quite the slick image K ;-)and I'm sorry to say mate that there is no hope because you've got another 6 weeks and we've only got 3 - it can only get worse!!!
Emm - a lapse of concentration prior to actually starting a training ride, fell off in the driveway.
Bronnie - deserves a special mention since she forgot her knickers when going to a swim session and then onto work....Bron, you're not even doing IM, there's no excuse!!

I am very glad that taper starts in another week's time, rest, rest, rest. Or actually am I? Doesn't that mean race day is that much closer.....?!!!!!! 20 days and counting....

So this weekend was the last 'long' long weekend of training. 5 1/2 hrs on the bike plus a 30 minute run, plus 3 hours of back to back massaging....Zzzzzzzz was heard by about 8pm!! And today being Sunday was my long run - yipeeeee. And that's only a 'yipeeeee' cause I can run again, not because it felt good - after yesterday's efforts my legs felt like lead! And this is where I ran:

And now? Nana nap followed by a 'recovery' swim - the emphasis on recovery, float, float, thrash the arms about a little bit, and float a bit more :-)))))

Napping time is a wasting!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Milestones and Nerves

This last weekend marked a milestone in my Ironman training, injury journey, and general all round personal development!!

Firstly, I swam 3.8km in a long sleeved wet suit - and almost melted as the outside temperature was about 32degrees!!!
Secondly, I ran for 2hrs - actually the longest I've ever ran, ever, and also having only started running after my calf injury 3 weeks ago, I was pretty pleased with that!

Now, rewind a little bit.

My last blog seems soo long ago - probably because it is. I have been meaning to write for the last 3 weeks, and then my training, eating, sleeping, needing to sleep some more, training again AND trying to have a bit of a social life.....just seems to get in the way!!

Well, as you may have gathered, I decided to continue my IM journey. At the time I'd only run once, for 20 minutes. And now I have done several runs, including my 2hrs yesterday - Yippee!! Or I think yippee, as that now means I am still doing IM and have to do that in less than 4 weeks time....! Agh!

Highlights of the past 3 weeksish? Well last weekend I entered the 'Hell of the West' long course triathlon with gun team member Nat Dellow.

Team 'Fat Jellow' ripped up the girls teams and won with over 8 minutes to spare :-). $150 prize money - thanks very much!

And on the way to 'Gundi' I acquired a supporter for my race in Taupo - thanks Nessie :-)))))) soo excited that I now have someone to shout for me and pick me up at the end!!

And have I introduced you to Triathl3te racers yet? Gerrard, Craig, Jeff, Nigel, Mike, Richard, Rusty, Emma and me! Well the kit is in! On the ride after melting in my wesuit on Saturday, Emma, Craig and myself went for a ride in our matching gear - check it out!!

And check out

So what now? Well there are 3 weeks and 5 days to go until I swim ride and run around Taupo. I am having momentary 'freak out' moments wandering why on earth I decided to do this amazing but crazy race. What is it that drives us to train like mad, give up normal life for 4 months, and put ourselves through a day of gruelling exercise? Well I guess that's what makes us who we are in life :-).

Off to do core exercises....!
