Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Do I Have to Ride Today?

I knew it would happen, there'd be days that I was on a training 'downer'. Today was the first and I had a ride to do....followed by an evening swim.....followed by a ride tomorrow morning...followed by....

I left home at 415am to meet Jacque in Newmarket, to ride to Southbank to meet Sophie & Chris at 445am to ride for 2.5hrs. The plan was an extended River Loop, including rolling hills. As soon as we started the main ride I knew that I just wasn't firing on all cylinders. In fact I've been like that all week. Having just had a recovery week last week, I thought all would be good, I'd be raring to go this week...if only. Tired legs, gritty eyes; motivation is not lacking, rather variable emotions and a get up and go that seems to have get up and gone!

From the outset of today's ride, I wanted it to be over, I tried everything to shorten it, thwarted at every turn by my fellow riders who so graciously changed the route when I said I was just going to cut it short - they chose a less hilly extended loop. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, MY LEGS WON'T GO VERY FAST, I DON'T THINK I'M GOING AS WELL AS I THOUGHT AND THERE ARE TEARS BEHIND MY SUNNIES I DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE; LET ME BE SLOW AND QUIET ON MY OWN!

But I wasn't even allowed my original plan of sitting at the back for the entire ride. Sophie and Chris and Jacque chatted, bantered between themselves, let me ride quietly along, even came for coffee with me after when I'm sure they didn't really have time. So I quietly rode, and quietly got round, quiety had tears, and quietly cursed my fellow riders for sticking with me, quietly had coffee and got ready for my day ahead. AND LOUDLY WANT TO SAY THANK YOU!!!!!!

I am sure there will be more days like this, days that are worse. I have some fantastic friends to train with, to help me get through the days when my mind or body, or both are not willing; who will not let me do it on my own. I hope that I can do the same the day my fellow IM have a day like mine.

So I did my swim tonight, my eyes are still gritty, and I'm off to bed....I have a ride to do in the morning.....


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