Monday, May 3, 2010

Floating in the ether....

ether (ē′t̸hər)
a substance hypothesized by the ancients as filling all space beyond the sphere of the moon, and making up the stars and planets.

It feels like I have been up there for a while. I've tried to ground myself and just get back to normal life...but other things have been happening.

So I finish Ironman, and it was a fantastic experience. Sure I had a few sore bits and had already resigned myself to a few weeks of very light training and enjoying some time out, but then things started to unravel. My first run back to test out the displaced cuboid bone I'd managed to acquire didn't go well....I had to stop after 10 minutes due to my knee reminding me that actually it had been hurting in the last 10km of the marathon. Oh yeah that's right! So now 9 weeks on from completing Ironman NZ, I am back at physio, injured, and not running.
I'd got so excited, planning the Glass House 30km run, the Gold Coast Marathon, Saturday Mount Cootha runs with the girls....and uh, I've had to re-consider my plans for the winter!

I must admit, the whole realisation that once again I was out of running action; combined with the massive change in training schedule after finishing Ironman, the sudden lack of goal etc...flattened the buoyancy of my mind and left me struggling to find a reason, a motivation, a happy place. And in comes the 'ether', where my mind has been residing recently....but I think it's coming back to earth...just maybe.

So I have had a talk with myself, with close friends and come to the realisation that I just have to be me. Things are how they are...I have an opportunity to do some other things...I am going to enter some open water swims, work on my bike, go to yoga, join a gym, do some more social stuff, relax and try not to feel like I'm missing out when friends go for a 2hour run.... People bounce back differently, and this is just how I'm bouncing - or rather crawling back!

But hey, I have 10 months right? I entered IM NZ 2011 there is bigger fish to fry than the odd run now. 10 months to get faster, stronger, get injury free, have a more holistic outlook, and try to enjoy myself til that date 20weeks out arrives again ;-)

Train happy!


1 comment:

  1. Great blog Faye :-)
    With the proper attitude and smart training (or lack there of) you'll come back stronger and we'll all have to watch out for the super fast Faye. Keep smiling.

